What's New
Welcome to Version 5.2.
New in version 5.2
Version 5 is a major re-write of the graphic engine. Previous versions severely limited the ability to magnify areas of the plan, and to draw in fine detail.
Now, you can draw plans as large as you like (6400 ft square - 900,000 mm in metric mode) and still Zoom in to 1/32 of an inch (1mm in metric mode).
It is no longer necessary to select a drawing size for your plans. Plans of any size can be zoomed in to draw in minute detail.
New Zoom Bar buttons provide instant zooming to any level and provide good feedback.
Scrollbars shift the plan at any zoom level, and a special button at the beginning of each scrollbar shifts the plan creating more drawing area at the left and top of the plan.
Buttons move the plan to the upper left, or fit the entire plan to the viewing area and help navigate the plan while zooming.
New Parallel Line routine draws continuous parallel lines, cleaning up the corners. You can adjust the distance between the lines.
New Parallel Line rectangle routine draws rectangles with double lines. You can adjust the distance between the lines.
Walls are no longer limited to full inches or to increments of 25mm.
You can have a center line drawn the length of walls for aid in positioning windows and doors.
Windows now have adjustable widths and patterns.
Snap Grid distances are saved separately for each zoom level.
Speed settings are also saved separately for each zoom level.
Metes & Bounds draw lot lines from the data in your deed description.
A Detailed Print Preview shows an image of the printout, and allows adjustment of text prior to printing.
A Text Size Limiting feature prevents printed text from scaling too big when small plans are printed.
Save your plans to a PDF file
New in version 4.6:
More colors
The number of colors in the color selection box has increased from 16 to 224.
A row consisting of the twelve most recent colors chosen is maintained for your convenience.
Customize colors
From the Edit menu, you can manually change the red, green,blue (RGB) of any color currently used in the plan by typing in a new value for red, green, or blue.
Scalable Fills
Scalable fill patterns used to be limited to rectangular shapes. Now make polygons with up to 32 sides and fill them with scalable fills.
Increased polygon vertices
The maximum number of Polygon sides is increased from 16 to 32.
NOTE: The file format used to store your plans has changed to accommodate these new features.
When you load a plan that was made in a previous version, it will be automatically converted to the new format.
A backup of the old file format will be made with the same name and location, but with a ".bk" extension.
This conversion is not backwards compatible. That means that new or converted plans cannot be read in older versions of Home Plan Pro. To load a converted plan in an older version of Home Plan Pro, you will have to re-name the backup to have it's original ".pln" extension.